Welcome to our website, we invite you to visit our site after your read this section, to see the products that we commercialise, in diverse categories, and call us if you have questions. We offer the technical support service, where you can ask as questions of any kind you would like. If you choose to use-, or already do use our products, it means that you accept our Terms of Use described below. Please read with attention. Our shop tries to present as detailed as possible, and correctly the products which are shown on the website. Althrough we can not guarantee, that the description of the products and services, like the content of this website is without errors, complete or actual. If a product we are selling is not corresponding with the description, photograph, or it is shipped erroneously, the only possible remedial of the sittuation is to return the product, while not used. For more details please pay attention to the section which contains the return policies.
If you are not happy with the products purchased, you can return them and we will return the countervalue of your products. Romanian legislation states: “The consumer has the right to notify the commerciant in written form, that he/she relinquishes from the purcase, without penalisation, and from receiving the product.” (Gouvern Enactment nr. 130/2000). Our clients can return the purchased products, in the original package without usage signs or contamination, in 14 days from the date shipped, without penalities, and without invocation of any reason, this return announced in advance, ONLY IN WRITTEN FORM, on the email address from the contact page with the mention of the order number, full name, and your address, like the code of the product, which you wish to return. Requests issued on telephone, or other platforms (ie. Messenger). You can opt for the return of the countervalue of the products or for acquisition of other products on our shop.
The return of the products will be done supported by the client, using your national Post Office. After the package’s collection and if the return conditions are met (no smudge, no stink, sign of usage etc.), our firm will return the countervalue of the order in maximum 30 days, after the goods were returned.Don’t ship the goods with c.o.d.. this will be refused without any ulterior notification. Any return, which does not respect the conditions above will be refused. If the transport fees were included in the product’s price, these will be reduced from the price returned to the client, based on the receipt with the expedition costs. The summ returned for the client does not include the transport fees and the c.o.d. . The consumer (client) has the right to inform the commercian in a written form, that he or she cancels the purchase, without penalties, if the motives are alleged (and proven with photo), is related to the execution quality and/or ti the used materials, other than in the description, noncoforminig sizing with the ones in the description and the product presentation. Invocation of a motive, in a term of 5 calendaristic days from the date the product was handed over.
Complaints will be received on our firm’s contact address, see the contact page with the address, phone and email.
The consumer has the right to relinquish from the purchase in the below situations:
– The product is deteriorated or defect
– You received an another product like you order
– Difference between the product’s image on the shop, and the one you received is evident, and it can be proven (color difference included with the exception of a shade difference).
Wit all this, accordint to the Terms of Use of this site, all the pictures are only for informative nature, allthrough their role is the reflect as correctly as possible the product, which you will receive. For the motives shown above, you have two options: We will exchange your deteriorated product, in which situation you don’t have to support the countervalue of the transport.
The final price paid by the client is formed from the products price and the shipment costs. Our firm does not perceive any additional taxes for the client, at the purchase of the product (we are not referring to the price of transport. The price shown on the site is the final price of every product, with VAT included.
Liability Limitation of SC. FIT JUMPS S.R.L.
Responsability for the website’s content. SC. FIT JUMPS S.R.L. is not and can not be liable for the prejudices created by errors, unaccurate or outdated informations publicated or mentioned on the website, which does not owe its culpability
In the case in which the prices or other details referred on the products/promotions were shown wrong, including the cause of the fact that they were introduced faulty in the database, we keep our right to null the shipment of the respective product, and to announce the client by phone/email as soon as possible about the appeared error, if the product was not shipped yet.
S.C. FIT JUMPS SRL is registered at the Accounts Registry of the personal data processing with the number of 36925. According the requirements of the Romanian Law nr 677/2001 for the persons protections on the processing of data with personal scope, and the free movement of these data, modified and completed, Kangoo Club has the obligation to administer in secure conditions, and only with specified scope, personal data that you provide about yourself.
The data collection scope is: the informing of the users / clients (buyer) about their account situation on kangooclubs.se, informing the users / clients about the evolution and the status of their orders, evaluation of the products and services we offer, commercial activiities, promotion of the products and services, marketing, ads, media, administration, development, market research, statistics, sales tracking and monitorisation, and consumer behaviour.
With the completion of your data in the registration form, and/or the order form you accept unconditionally, that the data you provided will be included in our databases, and you give express and unequivocal right that all the personal data to be stored, used and processed without limits territorially and/or temporary by Kangoo Club, it’s affiliates and collaborators for deployment and/or implementation by Kangoo Club, affiliates and collaborators inactivities, like, without limiting to, commercial activities, promotion of products and services, marketing, ads, media, administratration etc. as stated above.
With the act of reading the presented Terms and Conditions you are aware of the fact, that you are guaranteed with your rights provided by law, respective your right to get informed, the right of access to these data, the right of intervention, right to be in opposition, right not to be subject of an individual decision, your right to address the justice in case in which your rights are violated, guerenteed with the Romanian Law nr. 677/2001 for persons protection, about data processing and the free flow of these data. Therewith you have the right to oppose with the processing of your personal data and the right to request complete or partial deletion of these.
With all this, kangooclub.se can notify it’s users/clients about current offers in it’s newsletter, and can send out congratulations, coupons or other special messages.
Kangoo Clubs does not promote SPAM. Any user/client who has given her/his email address on kangooclub.se can opt for it’s deletion from our database.
The information provided will be used in the scope for which you provided them, to administer, to uphold our services, and to prevent the violation of security, law and our contractual terms.